
Gaïende ready to fight (SWTOR)

About me

Hi there, it's Ravanel. I'm a gamer girl playing Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) and Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO). I'm also crazy with taking screenshots and finally found the perfect way to get rid of them: through this blog! Lately, I've also been spamming you guys with my drawings.

The picture

Yup, this is not actually me, but you can pretend it is. It vaguely resembles me in real life anyway. I did skip the body type 1 and emo makeup stuff, though!


Note: I am not interested in unpaid content suggestions from commercial parties.
e-mail: ravalation at hotmail dot com
google+: Ravanel Griffon 
twitter: @Rav_Griffon

History of a gamer girl

My start in the gaming world was due to my fandom of Tolkien. When I heard an online game featuring Middle-earth (LotRO) was being developed, I was extremely excited. I had never played an MMO before, but I made many gamer friends and ended up in a raiding kinship. I also joined the Lotro-wiki team in 2009, and became a bureaucrat. LotRO has been very important to me, being the first MMO I played, but also being the place where I met my boyfriend. In the four year period that it did not release any new raids and became focused on casual players, I started playing Star Wars: the Old Republic (SWTOR).

Ravalation features many different games and topics, but SWTOR and LOTRO form its core.

Ravanel online

Besides my work on Ravalation, I've contributed in the past to the multidisciplinary iRez - a virtual identity saloon (2012-2013). From 2016 to 2017, you could listen to me discussing SWTOR on the long running podcast Corellian Run Radio. Since the start of 2017, I have had the pleasure of writing professionally for the MMO collective MMO Bro.


Unless indicated otherwise, I take all screenshots on this blog myself. I would therefore appreciate it if you would link to if you choose to use a picture for your own blog or any other public media. If you want to use material for commercial purposes, please contact me first and consider that a lot of content falls under the copyright of their respective game studios.

Enjoy your stay!

Some more...


May 2012, Syp from Biobreak initiated the Newbie Blogger Initiative (NBI), a one-month long effort to stimulate new MMO themed blogs, in which I participated as a newbie blogger.

I've written the following NBI or blogging themed articles:

September 2012, I was awarded a Beautiful Blogger by Robyn from Simply Creative.

April 2016 featured the ARPIL blogging event by Pizzamaid. I helped promoting it and designed the badges.

Related to the event is my post Writing about game characters.


  1. I love this blog. It's beautiful and badass. Thank you for being awesome!

    1. Thank you for dropping by and the kind words!

  2. I can only second that.

  3. I forget how I found this blog (though I'm pretty sure I was searching for something related to LOTRO), but I want to tell you that I love your layout. I started blogging about a year ago for Extra Life since my internet limitations prevent me from streaming on Twitch like I used to. I'm still trying to tweak my blog's appearance to look... well, a bit more like I know what I'm doing! Can you tell me if your navigation bar is a specific blog layout or if you did it yourself? I'd love to have a horizontal bar with page links instead of an endless side column! Keep up the great blogging work. :)

    1. Hi there! Sorry for the suuuuper slow response, but judging from your blog's layout you thankfully found out how to get the horizontal bar on your blog. (For anyone who's reading along: it's a Blogger feature; you can set a navbar widget under Layout.) Thanks for your kind words about Ravalation's layout. I'm not 100% happy with it myself, I'm still looking for the courage to change it again. It's an ongoing struggle! ;)


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