
Monday, 7 December 2015

Six times red

It's that time of the month again: the sixth! I'm currently typing while waiting for my flight from the Netherlands to Sweden, but that doesn't stop me from selecting six screenshots for you that feature the colour red. I've also once again succeeded to include an appropriately skin-coloured alien from my favourite MMO.

Six times red

1) Lore-master with raven in a lupine field

LOTRO: The first shot of this series is brought to you from Lord of the Rings Online. Lore-master Ravanel was wearing one of her 100 outfits (no exaggeration) that happened to be red, questing together with her blood raven, when we came across a field of lupine flowers. I could go into a rant about how lupine comes from North America and should not be in Middle Earth (just like corn) because Tolkien based it on Europe, but I'll refrain myself. Either way, with so much red the picture is a perfect fit for this series.

2) Sorcerer Fárah

SWTOR: Someone here at the airport just asked if red is my favourite colour. No, that wasn't because they saw me working at this blog post (I was riding in between two gates at the time), but because I was wearing trousers with red flowers and elephants on it. Red isn't my favourite colour, but I do like wearing it and now I think of it, so do my characters (if they would have a soul). One of my 'red characters' is sorcerer Fárah, whose red hair is matched by her red lightsaber and PvP outfit.

3) Sentinel Haradwen on her orobird

SWTOR: Another of my red-wearing characters is my sentinel Haradwen, who was also briefly featured in last month's gold edition, since she typically combines red with gold. Her favourite mount is this colourful orobird.

4) Gharj's cave in Eternity Vault

SWTOR: I was thinking about what landscapes in SWTOR would be dominated by red and it took me a while to come up with this one. I've shown the red sky in LOTRO, but SWTOR doesn't have a day-night cycle and thus no sky that resembles it. But then I knew it: lava! Gharj is one of the first raid bosses I ever fought and he left quite an impression on me. He lives in a giant cave full of lava and during the boss fight you have to hop from stone to stone.

5) Elementalist Ravanel at Mount Maelstrom

Guild Wars 2: To stick with the lava team, I traveled to Mount Maelstrom to get the picture above. My character is standing on a rock that is looming over a large pool of lava: Mount Maelstrom is a vulcano. The yellow spots are tiny bits of lava splashing into the air. You can only see them because the 'camera' is situated very close above the surface of the lava pool, but I really like how the contrasting colours and those "lava sparks" give the picture a fairy tale-like effect.

6) Sorcerer Rava-rae

SWTOR: Strangely enough, my pureblood sith Neserys would qualify better for the purple or pink edition; however, I created a new sorcerer for baby bracket PvP recently with a very red skin. Rava-rae is half sith, half voss (at least in my head canon). There is no option to make a voss character in the game, but I attempted to make her have traits of both cultures: her skin tone being sith, her clothing, name and lack of pointy skin parts being voss.

*) Bonus: gas planet Yavin

SWTOR: The sharp-eyed among you may have noticed that this post got posted on the seventh, not the sixth. Bad Rav! Unfortunately, on top of my flight getting delayed by an hour I had a lot of bad luck with public transport, causing me to come home at 12 am, too late to actually publish this post in time. To make up for this grave error, here's a bonus picture of gas planet Yavin (I think; it was in a vision my sith warrior had). I'm told it's similar to Jupiter. In case you're thinking of Yavin IV, the jungle planet you can visit in Star Wars: The Old Republic: that's actually a moon orbiting the red giant.

There you go. I hope you enjoyed this 6 on 6 (or, technically speaking, 7 on 7). Let me know your favourite!

"6 on 6" is a series of 6 screenshots on the 6th of each month, themed on colour: August: blue - September: purple - October: orange - November: gold - December: red - January: white - February: black - March: pink - April: silver - May: green - June: brown - July: yellow. The event is hosted by Emma of the Scruffy-Little Nerd Herder.


  1. Gorgeous pictures! I especially love the one of your Sentinel on her orobird. Very cool shot!

  2. Hah, I didn't expect to find a green-skinned Mirialan in a post all about the colour red, well done!

    I also like Rava-rae's name; I immediately thought that it sounded Voss-like, even before I read the text underneath.

    From a purely aesthetic point of view, I think the picture of Gharj's cave is my favourite; Eternity Vault just looks all kinds of beautiful if you actually pause to look.

    The picture of your LOTRO Loremaster in the flower field is amazing as well though, it really highlights why everyone always says that LOTRO has stunning environments.

  3. I think I've said this every month, but I do love seeing your spin on this project. Great shots, as usual! :)

  4. As always, your screenshots are just breathtaking! I love especially those with the lava, perfect for the theme. And people may say that the graphics in LOTRO are retro and even a bit outdated, I find that they rock as far as the landscapes are concerned.

    1. Aww, thank you! No lava in LOTRO yet, unfortunately, but who knows... maybe we'll get Mordor at some time? ;) I totally agree with you on LOTRO; also, your hobbit looks super cute! :)

  5. What an excellent take on this project (I'm new to following, so it's the first I've seen it!). Great shots - excited to see more!

    1. Welcome to the blog and I'm happy you like the screenshots!

  6. As you know my favorite color is red, so I love all these pictures :D. And what a nice socerer you have Rava-rae that is really a nice voss name. I would love to pvp with her :D.

    1. I like red because it's a happy colour. And cool that you like my sith-voss. I'm sure we'll venture out for some Imp baby bracket PvP soon! :)

  7. I'm Redbeard, and I approve this post. ;-)

    1. That is very gracious of you, especially considering the distinct lack of red-bearded characters!


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