
Ravanel is pissed (SWTOR)

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Star Wars characters I would love to dress up as for Halloween

...if only I could sew. And actually be able to attend the two Halloween parties I've been invited for. All I'll say is, chronic diseases SUCK. Almost as much as your boyfriend wanting to watch Heartstone tournaments instead of playing Star Wars: the Old Republic with you. Anyway...

Summarized, if my life would be more awesome, I would definitely dress up as:

(Spoiler alert: this post features the names and pictures of some main characters of the recently released Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. However, there are no spoilers about the story developments.)

Friday, 16 October 2015

Fashion Friday: dressing your jedi for the autumn

You may have noticed a distinct lack 5 Fandom Friday posts on Ravalation today. Don't worry, I'm still loving 5FF, but today's topic was "Things I Love About Halloween" and jedi simply do not care for pumpkins. They do, however, care for fashionable robes. So hereby I'm introducing a new project for those pumpkin-heavy 5FF's: Fashion Friday! That's right, a Friday dedicated to drooling at pretty bathrobes, dreaming you are the one wearing them, elegantly strolling through the Old Republic.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Are you ready for Knights of the Fallen Empire?

The time is there: just one more week and Knights of the Fallen Empire will take off for subscribers.* In an ideal world we players would just sit back and relax before a new expansion hits. In reality, though, there are usually things to take care of before big changes are implemented.

I've gathered a few in the form of a last-minute check list. If you actually want to do these things is of course entirely up to you!

Friday, 9 October 2015

Teachers of the Old Republic

Padawans at the Tython training grounds

If you like numbered lists you're in for a treat this week. After my "6 orange-pictures" post on Tuesday's 6 on 6 it's time for yet another classic: 5 Fandom Friday!* This week's theme was "5 Favourite Teachers". As always, I'm turning to the Star Wars universe for help and selected my favourite teachers from online multiplayer game Star Wars: the Old Republic (SWTOR).

This post includes some mild spoilers (like the names of some companions and NPCs that are encountered through various class stories), but I took care not to mention any major plot spoilers. Oh, and I totally would have included Yoda, but he wasn't there yet in the Old Republic! *runs off to file a formal complaint*

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Six times orange

Put mildly, orange is not exactly my favourite colour. Once upon a time, when the internet was young, I even initiated the "Orange club", a website dedicated to loathing oranges and everything that shared the same colour. Every once in a while an orange lover would accidentally join and be hugely disappointed.

So you can see that I truly love you guys, because I decided to endure the pain and stomach finding six suitable pictures for this month's issue of 6 on 6 gamer style!