
Friday, 31 July 2015

Star Wars pets I'd like to adopt

Today's 5 Fandom Friday* is about fictional pets I'd like to own. Of course I'm going for the Star Wars: The Old Republic approach and I've managed to select five favourites out of the large heap of likeable animals that the Star Wars universe offers. Here we go:

1) Thranta

Some people like taking their horse for a ride... I would love to take my thranta out for a flight! Flying around, seeing everything from above from the back of your buddy... need I say more?

2) Tauntaun

Arriving at a party at the back of a tauntaun is probably the most hipster entrance I can think of. Certainly beats a Mercedes to me!

3) Orokeet

The orokeet has been sage Ravanel's best friend from the moment it hatched, back in the day of vanilla SWTOR (you can tell by her haircut). This is by far the pet I feel most attached to in any MMO so I'd totally dig one. It's probably also the one that would most realistically do well in my small apartment.

4) Gizka

Gizka's are awesome, but I'd only want to own one! If you don't know why, you desperately need to play Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) I, and you'll understand. The picture above is of my KOTOR nostalgia room in my Nar Shaddaa smuggler's haven, complete with storage room environment where they can hide amongst the cargo.

5) Volcanic "who's a good dog?!" kell-drake

These little "retard drakes" (as we call them, but in a loving manner) come in a variety of colours and are very popular in my guild. Mine - the volcanic kell-drake - is super cute and never fails to cheer me up. They are also great for people who feel insecure about themselves: surely even you cannot look that stupid.

Runner ups

With so many awesome animals to choose from, I had some runner ups that almost made it to the list. First off, a nerf; if only to be able to legitimately say I'm a nerf herder! Close was also the varactyl (any of the colours), that looks very huggable with that soft, feathery fur. Finally, I have a soft spot for Iraidas (like the one you have to lure out with a dead tauntaun and then have to kill - *sobs* - during the Gree event on Ilum), because they looks so cuddly, have cool stripes and they make extremely cute noises when you attack them. Everyone says I'm crazy and they look creepy, though, so that's probably just me.

What SWTOR pet would you love to own? Let me know below in the comments.

*5 Fandom Friday is a weekly event organized by the Female Geek Bloggers group on Google+.


  1. How cute is that Orokeet? I love this list. I know very little about KotOR, but this makes it look like something I'd really love playing.

    1. If you love Star Wars, you'll probably enjoy playing SWTOR (the game where these pics are taken). You can always give it a go if you have some spare time, it's free to play.

      The gizkas are both in SWTOR and KOTOR; the latter is an older single player game (not free, but still very much worth playing as well). Sorry if I caused any confusion!

  2. I don't play SWTOR but I do like pets! So I will have to go by your pictures to give my answer. :p

    A tauntaun definitely looks like a cool mount and I wouldn't mind not having to drive a car or ride a bycicle to get to places if I had one!

    Orokeets look cool too but I never had birds. So I have this irrational fear that I don't know how to deal with birds and if I try to touch them they will just bite me with their beaks!

    And the kell-drake looks awesome and like a lizard version of a dog. Being a dog-person that makes it automatically a pet I'd like to own and hang around with. /nod

    1. Birds aren't so different from dogs in that regard. I mean, dogs can theoretically rip off your arm as well with those mouths full of teeth (objectively not so different from what one can do with a beak, if not worse). I'm positive you'd do fine if you'd actually had an orokeet. Just like other pets, birds have their own individual characters and you'll be able to tell what mood they're in. I've had budgies for years and I've never been afraid of them.

    2. Yeah but a dog usually gives a warning if they don't like your face or they think you are trespassing on their turf. With a bird I don't know what kind of things to look for if they don't like me or feel threatened.

    3. Exactly, it's a matter of learning to read the body language. I guess that's something you learn best by having animals as pets.

  3. That Orokeet is too darn cute! I didn't have any animals back when I was playing SWTOR, so it's pretty awesome getting to see all of the different options if I started back up...<3

  4. Very nice blog. Greetings from Indonesia.

  5. I was looking at "minipets" (some are actually really big) on the GTN the other evening. Lots to choose from, though many are very alien, and not particularly cuddly.

    1. I agree on the "not particularly cuddly" part. I guess that's why half of these wished-for pets are not actually mini pets in-game.

  6. Jen and I each have Gizka on our list as well. <3 I love them SO much. For a really, really long time, I went by the name UberGizka online. XD

  7. "Surely even you cannot look that stupid".

    Even so, the Kell Drakes teach us all that accepting what you look like isn't an impossibility. =P

    Great article! SWtOR's pets sure add their own level of cuteness into the game, and I for one am very pleased they finally made two Thranta pets, as I absolutely adore the creatures. =D
    You'd better mind that the Kell Drake doesn't become another "She Who Greedily Devours"...

    1. I'm keeping him on a strict diet to prevent just that. ;)

  8. Blogspot doesn't seem to like me. *sadface*
    I had mentioned how, even though they are a sentient race, I'd love a little mini Selonian of my very own. I do love the little Thranta pets.

    1. I'm hearing this more often lately. Was it a case of "eating the comment when posting before logged in" or is it a specific profile that doesn't work for you? I don't get hits when Googling for any problems with the commenting system, so I'm wondering if it has to do with a specific browser, profile or javascript I'm running. Some people are not able to comment at all, for no reason, which frustrates me to no end.

      Also, I'm a fellow fan of Selonians. :)

  9. NEXU! (Also, Blogspot doesn't like me either... )

    1. I considered nexu, but that mouth full of sharp teeth kinda put me off...



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