
7-man Sparky; Gaïende dead

Friday, 31 March 2017

Fashion Friday: Herald of the moon moth

It's been a while since I posted an in-game outfit. "Fashion Friday" I used to call these posts, as there isn't always a 5 Fandom Friday topic that fits my blog and it is nice to have something relaxing going on the last day for the working week. I'll take the occasion to pick up where I left and share my latest spring look in Lord of the Rings Online.

The hills are alive...

For some reason, a Sound of Music tune kept creeping up on me during the photoshoot. I will have to rewatch that movie one day. It's been so long.

Most parts of this outfit are Moon Moth themed pieces that were added to the Spring Festival this year (2017). The festival is open to all levels and offers a great opportunity for new players to pick up some stuff that looks better than the starter gear. The pieces can be bartered for with spring leaves, which in their turn are earned through doing Spring Festival quests. Each year new rewards are added, so (since LOTRO turns ten this year) the choice is huge by now.

I love how war-steed garments have made it to the festival the past years. Garments are hard to come by if you don't want to buy from the LOTRO store (for real money), so I gladly took the opportunity to dress up my brown war-steed in similar fashion (see above).


Lore-master Ravanel to the right is wearing the following:
  • White Rose Circlet (Spring Festival, 13 spring leaves)
  • Cloak of the Moth (Spring Festival, 18 spring leaves)
  • Long-sleeved Dress of the Moth, dyed burguny (Spring Festival, 18 spring leaves)
  • Wood-lily (off-hand) (epic book quest [85] Volume III, Book 10, Chapter 15: The Bloom)
  • Moth-kite (cosmetic pet, overrides main hand) (Spring Festival, 30 spring leaves)

The cloak is also available with hood and there is a short-sleeved and a sleeveless version of the dress. The cloak has a unique glow effect: it shifts colour, like the cloak and steed of many colours.


  • Steed of the Moth (Spring Festival, 40 spring leaves)
  • War-steed (requires level 71):  
    • Solid War-steed appearance with red roan colour,  
    • Simple Tail coloured brown (looks blond),  
    • Head-piece of the Moon Moth (Spring Festival, 40 spring leaves),  
    • Caparison of the Moon Moth (Spring Festival, 40 spring leaves)

Depicted to the right is the Steed of the Moth. Unlike war-steeds, the coat colour of horses and ponies cannot be altered (other than summoning a different horse or pony altogether).

Note: the amount of currency stated is correct for the 2017 Spring Festival (ongoing at the time of writing). Prices are subject to change for future festivals.

Here are some more pictures of my war-steed, Suletal. I like dark-haired steeds with these light coloured garments, as they provide contrast. The blonde tail ("brown") is a fun detail that corresponds with the yellow in the headpiece and caparison. I did not buy the saddle, as Elves supposedly ride without.

The coolest part of the outfit is no doubt the moth kite. The first kites were added with the Farmer's Faire in 2016, and they were an instant hit. Back then one of the two available kites could only be bought with real money, which was a pity. Both kites of the Spring Festival (there's a flower version as well) can be bartered for with spring leaves, though: really cool! I expect they may be changed to mithril coins when/if new versions are added in future years, like is customary for festival steeds.

Did you get any parts of the Moon Moth outfit for your LOTRO characters?


  1. Beautiful screenshots. They show off the moon moth pieces well. Suletal looks especially great. :)

    The only thing I bought was the moon moth kite. I thought it was very interesting. I figure my beorning got it as a gift from some kids during her travels.

    1. Thank you! Although mounted combat is kinda clunky and movement laggy, the war-steeds themselves do look more realistic than the normal mounts. The design department has definitely been working on improving (which I guess is challenging when working with such an old engine).

      That's a really cute story behind your moon moth kite. :) I didn't make anything up like that for Ravanel. I guess the reason she runs around looking like a hippie is just because she is, well, an elf.

    2. I enjoyed being able to walk, trot, canter on a warsteed. I learned to only walk and trot in towns. If I cantered or galloped I would end up in some odd places!

      I do some rp with Giara so I like to come up with stories. :)

      Hippie elf! Haha! Love it.


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