
Gaïende ready to fight (SWTOR)

Thursday, 23 May 2013

SWTOR: Dear tauntaun

Can I ride you? Please? I know you're Untamed and all, but wouldn't it be fun, if only for a short while? I promise to be a good jedi.

I found a sort of acceptable red-and-gold unhooded outfit for Haradwen (thanks, dye system!) - which she is not wearing here because it was not Hoth weather resistant - so I resumed leveling her and ended up on Hoth. I still believe there ought to be a quest involving riding a tauntaun there. Each time I see one I can't think of anything else. I cannot help it, Hoth simply isn't complete without one!


  1. Aww, cant ride a Tauntaun?
    That is what I see when thinking of tauntauns. That, and they smell bad on both the inside and outside.

  2. Weather resistant armor? Interesting mechanic! :D

    1. It's more like a mental (RP) mechanic, but you'll see soon. :)

  3. *waves hello* A tauntaun! I had never heard of it, and, yes, this shows how ignorant I am about these games! But, having said that, love it! Great shot! :)

    1. Thank you! And that's not being ignorant about games, that's just not being a Star Wars enthusiast - pretty normal I'd say. (Tauntauns played a part when Luke Skywalker ended up on Hoth). :)

  4. Tauntaun! That's what Luke and Han slept *in* when they were stranded on Hoth! Nice to connect with you again Rav, and I really need to get myself over to LoTR one of these days! Did that tour ever happen?

    1. I was trying to subtlely tell the tauntaun that I wasn't going to sleep *in* it, being a *nice* jedi, but it still didn't let me ride it!

      The tour never happened, but I'd still love to organize that one day. You should certainly come along!


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