
Thursday, 6 August 2015

Six times blue

No, I'm not sad. And yes, I know, I'm one day late with posting. But I have the perfect excuse, hear me out. Oh, and I sincerely hope you guys like blue.

Emma Williams, who recently started the Scruffy-Little Nerd Herder blog, initiated the "6 on 6" challenge.
"To kick off my new blog, I’m starting up a challenge for fellow bloggers, dedicated to taking 6 themed photos on the 6th of every month."

"The aim is to help improve photography skills, whilst giving followers a bit of a look into the things that you geek out about."
Since today is the sixth of August, it's time for me to post my six pictures, even though it is Thursday and I usually post on Wednesdays (gasp). 

While Emma photographed her favourite blue geeky items in her house for today's post, I decided that in-game photography should count as well. So I present to you, 6 on 6 gaming-style!

Six times blue

1) Guardian Ravalyn on Hoth

SWTOR: I love playing my guardian, especially in PvP. I'm currently doing the jedi knight class story on ice planet Hoth, that, although officially all that ice is white, looks - indeed - quite blue. Here Ravalyn is testing her lightsaber; being a knight her colour crystal naturally is blue as well.

2) Sylvari Gaïende swimming in the sea

Guild Wars 2: This is the game where I get my exploring 'fix'. I found this seemingly endless sea while exploring on my Sylvari mesmer. I still don't know how far I would be able to continue swimming it, because I gave up after a while and returned home. Sylvari in blue dress swimming in blue sea underneath blue sky - I don't think it can get much more blue!

3) Elementalist Ravanel swimming with quaggans

Guild Wars 2: This game is great for blue stuff! This is my elementalist Ravanel in an underwater quaggan encampment. The thing on my head is a breathing mask, before you ask (no, I did not go dark side...). And a quaggan? That's that small blue creature holding a spear to the left. Quaggans live in those net-like underwater orbs and are considered to be ultra cute by the Guild Wars 2 community.

4) Lore-master Ravanel on her Steed of Many Colours

LOTRO: This is one of my favourite pictures featuring the original Ravanel. I took it on a photoshoot after I had earned it by defeating Saruman T2 Challenge mode (which was an incredibly hard fight at the time). In-game the horse garments shift colours!

5) Mesmer Gaïende looking over the Dreamdark Enclave

Guild Wars 2: One of the most beautiful areas in this game, Dreamdark Enclave, happens to look blue as well. You might recognize the area from the picture I sent in for this year's Screenshot Safari competition.

6) Operative Yuniper on the Imperial Fleet

SWTOR: You honestly did not think I would complete this list of pretty blue things without mentioning my chiss character, did you? Operative Yuniper is one of my very rare full dark side characters. As loyal readers may suspect, this means I'm having a lot of mental trouble playing her. Luckily she is at max level already, so I mostly use her when we need operative healing in our progression raid team (currently that means on Monolith hardmode).

That was number 6, we're done! On a last note: everyone is invited to participate in the challenge, so if you're stressed out on what to write for Blaugust today, you can totally save the day by quickly nicking six blue pictures from your screenshot collection. Ssh, don't tell I wrote this!

If you don't own a blog (or if you don't want to post blue pictures there for whatever reason), you're also free to post a picture of your favourite blue thing in the comments below.

"6 on 6" is a series of 6 screenshots on the 6th of each month, themed on colour: August: blue - September: purple - October: orange - November: gold - December: red - January: white - February: black - March: pink - April: silver - May: green - June: brown - July: yellow.


  1. That is a pretty cool idea. Unfortunately I don't have a screenshot collection to dig in (really, I only take screenshots for blog posts or for the very rare occasions I'd like to remember. :p) plus I can't think of many interesting places/characters with blue on them. Sooo... I guess I will have to try it next month!

    Also, if your screenshots are any indication, and for some reason you decide to abandon archaeology (like if you were brainwashed by evil aliens) I think you would make a good photographer! These screenshots are beautiful! (Well, all your screenshots are but we are talking about these ones!)

    1. I can't believe you don't have a screenshot collection; I mean, OMG, how do you even function? *faints*

      *regains consciousness*

      *hides behind favourite rock because of too many nice words*

    2. Rakuno, don't feel bad... I don't have one either. ;) But after reading this, I definitely will begin my collection, Ravanel Griffon. I really like the ones you posted. I too play SWOR. I think I'll take a photo of my character sitting down in the middle of a boss fight to meditate...because I can't seem to hit the right keys on the keyboard. Yes. Lame, I know. This is why I tend towards consoles. Ha! What a great idea for a challenge. :)

    3. I am not alone!

      Well, if you count my screenshots of decorations that I take for research purposes then I technically do have a screenshot collection. Though good luck making any sense of it and I always forget about them. I only remember it when I take a screenshot for a blog post and go "Wait. Why do I have so many screenshots? Where is the one I just took? Oh, I forgot I took a screenshot of this. What house was that again?"

      Anyway, I have no idea how I even function. Probably like zombies do but with less brain eating urges.

  2. gorgeous shots :) I love blue landscapes too - hmm maybe I will nick this for tomorrow's Blaugust post!

    1. You should totally do that! You could always include a bonus screenshot for being late and make it a 7 on 7. :P

  3. Love your take on the 6 on 6 challenge. I think #3 is my favorite!

    1. I like that one, too. Guild Wars 2 is great for screenshots. I really should write about that game more, so they don't keep rotting away in my screenshot collection.

  4. Wow, I would have never thought to use screen shots! that is a great idea and glad to see your photos this month!

  5. I absolutely love your take on the challenge. And I love your photos, I agree, you're pretty skilled in the screenshot department

    1. So glad you don't mind me being stubborn and giving it a twist! And, thanks. :D

  6. Any reason to post screenshots is a good one - I think my favorite pic here is your gw2 elementalist! :)

    1. That makes two, then. I'll pass the compliment on to her. ;)

  7. Ack! I finished my 6th Blaugust post before reading this. Oh well, I'll start a collection for September.

  8. This is pretty legit! I didn't even think of using screenshots of characters! Gonna have to try this for one of the months. Really neat take on the challenge!

    1. Awws, thanks! Let me know if you do - would love to see that. :)

  9. Love how you used screenshots and incorporated games in this.

  10. Holy crap Rav, your screenshot game is on fleek! I don't use that term ever because it's silly, but that's what I was thinking while I was reading through your post=P Love the idea to use screenshots for the challenge!

    1. I'm happy you like them! It's a good thing, too, I guess, because I'll be using screenshots for the rest of the year as well. ^^

  11. This is a great idea. I already thinking of areas in game worlds that are predominantly purple for the September challenge.
    Your shots are particularly lovely and well composed.

    1. Would be awesome to have more gamers participate in this! I like that I can gather pictures with the right colours in advance, too. Most of my posts have a tendency to become outdated if I don't post them in time, but 6 on 6 is timeless. :)

  12. Lovely screenshots! :D And I liked the idea of 6 on 6, but I don't have as much time LOL

    1. Ah well, there's always next month! Going with screenshots really saved me a lot of time, since I have a large screenshot collection to select from. I almost feel a bit lazy because of it. :$

    2. Hi again! :D I nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award :D


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