
Ravanel cheering on Ironhoof (LOTRO)

Thursday, 10 January 2013

LOTRO/SWTOR: Happy new year!

I know it's been a while, but I wish a happy new year to all who might still take a glance at this blog! Here a quick update about what's been going on here, because 2012 was the year in which...

...I had to study a lot more than I expected. These last months, that is. I'm glad to have found some time to post now, though, and let's not spend too much time talking about the boring stuff. We go on.

...My kinship and raiding group got the "Original Challenger of Saruman" title. Hurray for us!

...Tiger and I seriously got into raiding in SWTOR, and it was *fun*. Doing the hardmode fights (especially in Terror from Beyond or "TfB") certainly requires a different level of playing compared to the normal modes or hard modes of the easier operations. While I still consider SWTOR to be my 'leisure game' compared to my main game LotRO, it's been a cool experience.

...Tiger couldn't stop talking about his new female character that he has been leveling at work, a green sage girl called Adelynn, wearing that elegant top with the boobs almost falling out. It drove me so crazy that I secretly changed his desktop background to the above. It's been two weeks now, and he still hasn't changed it. He complains about the bar concealing her eyes all the time, though. I don't think he got my point.

...I was totally not hypocritical at all (*blink*) by creating and leveling my own almost-boob-losing character in the form of Zamírah, my first zabrak and first tanking toon. I greatly enjoyed running around on her, swinging her pink (!) lightsaber. I especially designed her looks to fit the naughty top. Am I bad?

...The Hobbit was released, and damn, did it turn out better than I expected! The Hobbit doesn't digress as much from the lore than the Lord of the Rings movies, and I was enjoying myself terribly much when watching it. I can't wait until the second movie! (But I'll have to! Aargh.)

 ...I spent an awful lot of time riding the hobbyhorse, only to STILL not have completely rebuild Hythbold. What can I say, story of my life!

What adventures did 2012 bring you?

To a fruitful new blogging year! Rav out.


  1. Welcome back. I just got back in to the swing of things myself. Also, I got into playing SWTOR. I'm at Ebon Hawk...I think.

    1. Thanks for the welcome and cool to hear you've been playing SWTOR! I'm on the Red Eclipse myself (as all European English speakers). Sadly enough, the gaming laptop has broken down, so I can't play SWTOR now. Have been on a strict LOTRO diet these past days, slowly getting allergic to Hythbold dailies...

    2. Aww, what happened to your laptop? I still love following you, even though I play neither SWTOR nor LOTRO anymore.

    3. I'm happy you're still following, but I really ought to write a bit more! The laptop, that's a big mystery. Even nerdy Tiger couldn't find out. Tomorrow it's going back to the factory.

  2. Hey, welcome back! Don't worry, I've been playing all this time and haven't finished Hytbold either. Just couldn't be bothered to do it once I got my armor. Though now my LM is on the way to 85, and I halfway wish I hand't been so lazy.

    1. Haha, I know what you mean! I've been doing some dailies now and then because I thought it would be fun to have the town rebuild on one character... you know, just for lore reasons. I haven't been pressing hard because I don't like grind, but now I'm almost there but really can't stand those dailies anymore. Just a few times more!

    2. Oh, and *like* on LMs getting on their way to 85! :D

  3. Very late welcome back!

    Like Rowan Blaze I don't play neither LotRO nor SWTOR anymore (might still give another try to LotRO one day) but I still love reading your blog, as always. :)

    In a random note, that Hobbyhorse is definitely one of the most fun looking mounts I ever seem. Really, it is just one of those things that makes one want to play a game!

    ~ Rakuno

    1. I'm happy you still like my ramblings! I really like the hobby horse too. The one I'm riding on the picture is just one for a daily quest, but they have introduced versions that you can buy (store-only, sigh) now as well. I'm not sure about the cost, though, they had ridiculous ideas about the price at first and I didn't bother checking afterwards.


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