
Friday, 6 May 2016

Six times green

I'm deeply ashamed to admit that I've missed yet another edition of the 6 on 6 challenge last month. My lame excuse: it's not so much a shortage of screenies (I'm drowning in them), rather me plain forgetting about them. It's just that there's a whole month in between the 6 on 6 posts. Yes - goldfish - I know.

Also, it was very tempting to post six screenshots of grass here, but all the other pretty green screenies started staring at me with those cute imaginary eyes of them, so, fiiiine.

Six times green

1) Grass in Rohan

LOTRO: So... green in videogames. Observe above what, say, 50% of the green pixels in MMOs depict. The other 50%?

2) Trees in the Limlight Gorge

LOTRO: That's right, trees. These particular ones grow in the Limlight Gorge, a small area added to the game in 2012. It is often overlooked because it only hosts 3-man quests - a shame, because it features one of the more stunning looks of virtual Middle-earth.

Now I'll try to look at the remaining <1% of green pixels in MMOs depicting something else. OMG, so exciting! Ikr.

3) Ranger Ravereth with her eagle

Guild Wars 2: All Ravereth's incarnations across MMOs have bright green eyes and dress green: the colour of camouflage, after all. This is one of the best looking outfits I found for Ravereth in Guild Wars 2; but oh, Guild Wars, why is all the good looking armour so sexualized? /Sigh

4) Ravanel and her pet orokeet

SWTOR: One of my oldest screenshots taken in Star Wars: the Old Republic, and still one of my overall favourites. Wherever she goes Ravanel takes her orokeet with her - and gets scolded for it by her guildies that don't want their operation to bug out.

5) Sorcerer Fárah in creepy Sith cave

SWTOR: Although they're not well known outside the MMO, Mirialans are one of my favourite aliens. I created three of them: the most of any race I play. Mirialans come in all shades of green you can think of: from yellowish green to dark green. The Imperial Fárah is the mirror image of sage Ravanel: they're both light side and harmoniously share their armour (totally no threatening zapping from Sith side was involved, how dare you).

6) Y-u'no and Bowdaar

SWTOR: The keen eyed will spot that I'm honouring the "concluding with a SWTOR alien in the colour of the month" tradition here. This is my beloved twi'lek smuggler and my character with the most MLG name, Y-u'no. I haven't played her much recently as I don't feel the Knights of the Fallen Empire storyline is very suited to smugglers; she's reserved for midbie bracket PvP. I miss her spry comments!

"6 on 6" is a series of 6 screenshots on the 6th of each month, themed on colour: August: blue - September: purple - October: orange - November: gold - December: red - January: white - February: black - March: pink - April: silver - May: green - June: brown - July: yellow. The event is hosted by Emma of the Scruffy-Little Nerd Herder.


  1. "Guild Wars, why is all the good looking armour so sexualized?

    The answer to that question is "Play an Asura". But then that's the answer to every question!

    1. But what about those of us that don't want to play repugnant little troll-gnomes?


    2. *gasp*

      This... This can't be you who said that. Must have been one of your evil characters who hijacked the blog and said it. I mean who else would say something like that could start a war?!? *

      * For the record Asuras are my second favorite race. Also, I am joking here in case it isn't clear. :p

    3. Whoa! Who posted that hate speech there?

      Sigh. Must have been Ravalinde hacking into my account. She never got over that time she failed at poisoning me!

      Truth be told, I don't have strong feelings against or for asurae (I'm sure they'd like to be pluralized like that, little know-alls they are), but I found out that playing short races just doesn't work out for me, just like I've given up on trying to play male characters. I had a dorf guardian in LOTRO that I didn't play for 6 years, despite really liking the class, because I couldn't connect to it. It just doesn't work out when you need to force yourself to play something. When I needed more character slots, I finally went through the traumatic experience of deleting my first MMO character. Which sucks, because ideally I'd like to have a character of all races (away with racism! race equality! and all that). I guess being a 1.80m Dutchie doesn't really help with the identifying part...

  2. That orokeet!! So dang cute. And yeah, I think I would struggle with finding six green screenies that aren't just grass, but you did an awesome job!

  3. Your screen shots are always so gorgeous! Teach me senpai! & also YOUR OROKEET IS SO CUTE omg <3

    1. You can be my screenshot padawan if I can be your make-up errr... disciple? It would be perfect! :D

  4. That screenshot of Ravanel and her orokeet is probably one of my favorites too. I don't know why. It might be that there is just a certain simplicity and elegance to it that I find appealing. Or it might be because she is just relaxing with her pet making it look more like a "Day in the Life" kind of deal.

    Green also happens to be my favorite color. Makes me feel kinda ashamed I didn't participate on this!

    1. Cool that green is your favourite. Mine is yellow (well, I used to say that as a child, in truth I have a lot of trouble picking just one), but I always love green because it makes me think of nature, and nature makes me happy. :)

  5. GW2: The camera angle confuses me, but are you playing a Norn by any chance? Norn female styles trend toward "Armor?! I don't need no stinkin' armor protecting my midriff! Or my legs. Or my arms. Or hell, anything that gets in the way of me turning into a bear. Why do I have to wear clothes again?"

    1. Whahahaha. That is so true! Yes, Ravereth is a norn. Their hairstyles, though! Guild Wars 2 has the best hairstyles by far of all MMOs I've played - even really long hair, which most game characters don't have because lazy devs or something (this makes me very sad). I keep wanting to roll more and more norns, just so I can try out such-and-such hairstyle. I've even been coordinating with Conrad, dividing the most awesome hairstyles between our characters, so we at least can admire them regularly even if it's not our own character (since there are more than we can have characters for).

      When it comes to skimpy armour, I've had most trouble with light armour human outfits, though (*cough* swimming *cough*). Unfortunately, those are just the classes I generally enjoy playing a lot - I guess I should just roll more norns.

  6. Amazing screenshots Rav! I would probably go with grass, trees, and then some more grass and trees hahah ^^ This time my heart goes to the Ranger Ravereth and her eagle. And hey, as far as sexualized armors go, this one is sure sexy but not vulgar. I've seen wayyyyy worse in some other MMOs!

    1. Awww, thank you! I know, it could be a *lot* worse! If only skimpy armour would be available, I'd probably shun the game in its entirety. I do like Ravereth's armour, but I would like it even more if there would be good-looking armour that would be a tad less revealing. :)

  7. That creepy Sith cave looks amazing!! Great shots :)

    1. It was one of those occasions where I stopped halfway my quest to turn the camera and start posing. Still not sure what the fluorescent stuff on the floor was - probably best that way. Thanks for the kind words. :)

  8. That orokeet looks adorable and Y-u'no looks awesome especially being backed by a wookie.

    1. Y-u'no feels more awesome when being backed by a wookiee, too!


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